Sunday, December 11, 2011

teen mom.

A memoir.

Maybe no one will care.
Or maybe someone will want to read this...
But my memoir is in the works.There is going to be a book. And I am excited.

People that know me, like...really know me and anyone that can do math, knows that I am a teen mom.

But Brooke, you're 29 years old.

Yes. I am. But I am also a teen mom.
When I started out 12 years ago, I was a teenager. The day I became a mother, I was a teenager. A naive, uncultured, untraveled, inexperienced, young, young, young 17 year old baby.
And once you are a teen mom, I feel that you will always be a teen mom. You carry that label... eeesh, I hate saying label... with you always. Even if you are a fabulous, accomplished, well-rounded, woman... yes, a teen mom.

I am good with that.

So like I said, I'm writing a book. Because I think I have some good things to say. And because I love writing. And because...  well... why not?

Below, you will find two excerpts from my up-coming book. Yah, I'll dare to call them that already. Follow the links below to read 'em.
And thanks for your time!
Any comments are welcome.

Change in Plans          The Glamorous Life   



  1. I'd love to read ur book
    ur memoir :)

    Good luck 4 tht !!

  2. Beautiful, Brooke :)
    I still have that picture hanging up of the first time we got to meet baby Taylor...

    1. Lauren, I know the exact picture you're talking it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
